Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Onesies, Twosies, Threesies (Embroidered)

Hello blogoreaders!
For my first few (or possibly more) posts I would like to put up some of the projects that I accomplished this summer.  Usually I am too mired in Nutcrackers to be very productive during the school year but in the summer I manage to get quite a few things accomplished.

I think putting up projects after the fact is probably what I'll have to do anyway.  Usually these things are gifts for friends.  It's possible that some of said friends might be reading this blog.  Therefore, if I want any gift to be a surprise I will have to blog about it after the fact.  S'ok.  I'm cool with that.

My dear friend, Ruth, decided to leave our "we're not into having children" club (which is now down to its last surviving member) and procreate.  I was very proud of how she handled the whole birthing/diaper thing as she was the one who always told me the worst horror stories about babies and giving birth.  I'll spare the details for the faint of heart.  Anyway, she and her husband had a beautiful baby girl a few months ago.  She is half asian (like yours truly) so of course she is adorable.  I have nicknamed her "BABs" since those are her initals.  Not sure if Mum and Dad approve of this moniker but tough doodoo.  BABs :)

My friends and I decided to do a collaborative gift for the new one.  We each got onesies and decorated them however we wanted.  I chose to embroider mine and I think they came out rather cute.  I used the characters from Aranzi Aronzo.  It is a Japanese company that I discovered a few years ago that makes the cutest stationery, t-shirts, tableware...  they make just about everything.  They now offer books (in English!) that you can buy with all kinds of little projects to make and sew.  I simply photocopied the characters I liked from the "Cute Stuff" book:
Then I traced the outline of the character to make it bolder and easier to see when transferring.
Since the onesies are so thin it was easy to trace the image onto the fabric using a disappearing ink pen (available at fabric stores).
After the image was traced on then it was just a matter of doing a basic straight embroidery stitch around the outline and a couple french knots for eyeballs.

*Important note on disappearing ink pens*
Disappearing ink pens contain disappearing ink (gasp!).  I'm only pointing out the obvious because if you trace all your wonderful drawings and then go out for lunch or watch the America's Next Top Model Marathon on Oxygen you may come back to find that everything you've done has somehow, magically, disappeared.  Do I speak from experience?  Maybe.  I'd say you've got about 2 hours until the universe implodes.  You've been warned.

Here's how they turned out!
They are really easy to make and so cute!  
By the way, Ruth started a blog about her new life as a mother and other topics which is what inspired me to start mine.  You can check out her blog "So Boring It Hurts" here
Until next time,
B is for BABs... hehe.


Anonymous said...

Testing out comments for my own blog. What a narcissist!

christina said...

here you go! onesies are cutesies :)

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