Wednesday, July 1, 2015


¡Hola Los Blogos!

Did you know that Vanna White is an avid knitter?  Oh yeah?  Well aren't you special!
In case you didn't, she happens to be the spokeswoman for Lion Brand Yarns.  She even has her own line. 
Give me a "Y", Pat.
I found this pattern on the Lion Brand website and was quite surprised. I figured Vanna for a chunky scarf, sensible cardi kinda gal.  Who knew she was into amigurumi??  Amigurumi, according to the oh so reliable Wikipedia is, "the Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small stuffed animals and anthropomorphic creatures. "  This was a crochet pattern and was pretty quick and easy to make.

Just three fish bodies, three tails and the can.
The can takes the longest which is slightly a drag since it's probably the least interesting part, but it wouldn't be nearly so cute without.

I made this for my cat-in-law, Tycho, who lives in Dutchess County NY, and from what I gather, spends the majority of the day sleeping and occasionally stretching.

I'm told he enjoyed it, but really, these levels of cuteness are really meant for the human recipients, aren't they?


Monday, June 29, 2015


Back again, blogofriends.
I don't know about you, but summer to me means three things:

Mosquito bites

I can't even tell you how much I love to eat corn.  Grilled, boiled, steamed... as long as I can sink my teeths into its juicy, succulent flesh, I'm golden.  Get it?  Golden.


The problem with corn is the many annoying layers of amour that must be removed in order to take part in its delicious corniness.  UNTIL NOW!  I don't know where this method has been all my life but let me tell you, it has totally upped my corn game.

Here it is.  Are you ready?  It's super intricate.

Step 1
Take a corn
Step 2
Put said corn into microwave.  Don't peel it, don't shuck it, just leave it the heck alone.
Step 3
Microwave on high for 4 minutes for a smaller cob, 6 minutes for a big fatty.*
 *Note: I guess microwaves are different in their waviness so you might have to fiddle a bit with your times.

Step 4
Take cob out of microwave. USE A POTHOLDER, DUMMY! It's hot!
I didn't mean to yell at you, but yeah, burns.
Step 5
Slice off fat end of cob.  Be sure to cut enough off so that opening is as wide as widest girth of cob.  I know, this is some complex geometry here.

Step 6
Squeeze cob (you still have that potholder on, right?) from skinny end downward.
You might have to jiggle it a little.
jiggle jiggle
Keep squeezin'!

And like some kind of dark magic, VOILA!  A perfectly cooked, perfectly threadless cob o' corn.
Of course this method is not conducive to large crowds, but if you've got a hankering for a few cobs, say at around 11:00 at night (not saying I've ever done this) it's the way to go. Now go forth and get thyself some ears, my friend.

You're welcome.