Where I grew up in Northeastern Ohio the county fair was big. I don't mean large, I mean important. Everyone in town went. We even got a day off school for it, something I didn't think was odd until I went to my fancy eastern college and realized that not everyone got a holiday called "Fair Day", especially not the ones who went to private school. Those poor deprived children!
I mentioned to someone that I thought it was odd that the fairs around here all happened in the summer months where ours was always in the fall. They said that it was probably because a lot of kids participate and they couldn't if they were in school. And I thought to myself, "well, duh, that's what Fair Day is for!" A lot of kids I knew would enter animals in the fair because if you did that you got the whole week off of school! I was bummed I couldn't enter our shih tzu.
Anyway, I'd never been to a fair in upstate NY and this year was the year. I dragged RobiƱo with me to the Washington County Fair. This is over in Greenwich past Schuylerville and Saratoga Apple where we go donut picking every year. (More on that in the fall).
I took loads of pictures but I'll try to show you just the highlights.
First thing we saw was the antique farm equipment.
Beep beep!
Then we headed over to the animal barns to see the critters.Piggies!
Cow Cows!
"I'm the sweetest thing ever."
Horse tooshies
"I'm cute!"
"I'm cuter!!"
"Shut up. I'm twittering."
This sheep was a rare carnivorous breed. Ow.
"I'm a punkass."
"I'm a bigger punkass."
"I'm almost a perfect sphere."
Eat Kellogg's Corn Flakes®
There was a duck slide for everyone's amusement:
FYI, that song is called "Yakety Sax" and it makes any clip funny. Little tip from me to you.
But the best, the BEST, are the goats. Oh how I love goats. They are sweet and curious and have rectangular pupils. I wish I could have a half dozen goats roaming around the yard but I'm not allowed.
"Hi. I'm a goat."
This guy was very interested in the Nikon. I think he's into photography.
"Nice camera. Check out my rectangular pupils.'
"I want to eat your brain!"
We wandered around the arcade for a bit. The rides weren't open yet which was fine by us. It was pretty quiet which was nice for walking around.
I found my way into the crafts and homemade barn. After viewing the various knitted and crocheted items I decided that I must enter some crafts in the fair next year. I did not take pictures to protect the innocent... and the guilty. (Isn't that from a tv show?) Anyway, I think I would definitely win the blue ribbon if I entered. No contest. We'll see if that happens.
Here are some winners from the food section:
Best pickled onions
Best pumpkin
Best Non-Descript Creature Made Out of Vegatables?
Sadly, we missed the pig races (must go next year). We did get to see some dog agility. Go Sheltie Go!
As for food we managed to stay away from the deep fried peanut butter and jelly sandwich (blurgh) and Giant Cheese Stick.
We shared a corn dog (inhaled before picture could be taken) and a gyro.
How do you pronounce this type of sandwich? There are differing opinions.
We almost got out alive but were stopped dead in our tracks by this:
I'm sorry now that I've lived here all this time and never gone to a local fair. If I'd known there were so many cute goats I'd probably have gone a lot sooner. Oh well. I will definitely be going again next year.
(To claim all my blue ribbons!!!!!!!)
looks like so much fun! I've never seen a duck slide before! that must have been an extra special fair.
Duchess County Fair (NY) has a husband-calling contest (started years ago when they lacked swine) - beware, Robin!
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