This weekend I ventured deep into Washington County, along with my good friend and fellow dog lover, Debra, to attend a reading by Jon Katz. It was held at a little garden store in Salem, NY near his home, Bedlam Farm.
It was a charming place selling plants, produce and crafts.They have pick-your-own too! (I managed to restrain myself. )
Katz took up writing about dogs when he adopted a troubled border collie. His books are popular among the dog set and he does a local NPR radio segment "Dog Talk with Jon Katz" every so often which I love listening to.
If you are interested in reading his books I would recommend the first, A Dog Year. It has recently been made into a movie starring Jeff Bridges although it hasn't been released yet. If you've ever even remotely considered getting a border collie this book will bring you back to your senses.
He talked about his new book Soul of a Dog while his dog, Izzie, made the rounds. Izzie was so sweet, stopping in front of everyone to get petted.
Izzie made sure everyone got attention.
This book tour stuff is exhausting!
Do you think dogs have a soul? I can't say that I know.
Pip contemplating the universe. Or quite possibly thinking about cheese.
It is hard to say in the sense that people define "soul" differently. I don't think our "souls" live on past our deaths, but I would say that if I have a soul than my dogs certainly do as well. They love passionately, devote themselves loyally and show different interests and intelligence that leads me to know they have souls as I would define them. More importantly, I know they love me and I them - They make me feel I am better for knowing them.
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